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Our Superheros!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Journal Entry #3: The damage of homophobic comments

In today's reading "the Gary Colman look-a-like" made a very hurtful and homophobic comment to Thom. What was this comment? How did it damage Thom? How did it affect the the rest of the people in Thom's life (his father, his coach, his teammates, etc.)?

Have you ever had a hurtful comment made to you? How did it affect you long term? Other than just making you angry at the moment, did it cause other peole to look at you differently? If so, how?

Please write a minimum of 15 sentences.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

i have been called fried chicken,kool aid,coller greens,corn bread,mashed potatoes,and night time

Unknown said...

gary called him a F***** and it effected thom and his friends by making them think that hes gay and it made his dad mad because now his dad think hes a gay and now thom is trying to deal with it

Unknown said...

The Gary Colomen look-alike called him the the gay guy.It effected thom because thom knows it isnt true.It effected thoms dad because he called his wife gay in the book. it effected his teammated because there starting to think its true about him being gay.

People call me f***** and im not gay.It effected me because they know its not true and they do it anyways. Yes because now they call me faggot annd its still not true

Unknown said...

He called him a fa**ot and he said oh thats the gay guy.It damaged thom because thom is gay and thoms dad hates guy because he said there the world biggest problem. It made the people around him feel wierd and diffrent because they thought he was gay and they belivied it. My mom once called me a chia pet because im brown and i have alot of hair. Yes people talked me to go get a hair cut alot

Unknown said...

i think that thom is not going to happy and hes going to made fun of and hes going to have a hard time

Unknown said...

the comment made 2 thom was he was a F*****. It efffected his father because now his thinks hes gay and he thinks that he was embarresed and his father is homophobic.It effected his teamates because now they really think hes GAY and now thEY DO NOT WANT HIM ON THE TEAM AND THEY REALLY DONT LIKE HIM NOW.People have called me gay and fried chicken

Unknown said...

it efected people because his father is now trying to avoid him becusea he is gay.

Miss Martinez said...

The "Gary Coleman look-a-like" called Thom gay in front of Thom's teammates, coach, and father. This was incredibly damaging for Thom because as we already know, he is not open about his sexual preferences. Thom is already so nervous about someone finding about his true feelings, and now someone he doesn't even know said such a demeaning and hurtful comment in front of a crowd of people. By calling Thom a faggot the kid made Thom feel uncomfortable, vulnerable, afraid, and nervous. Thom's dad seemed to brush the comment off and pretend like he had not heard it. This probably happened because Thom's dad is homophobic and does not want to confront the situation. Thom's coach responded by removing Thom from the basketball team. I find this most interesting because in reality this is a discrimination against someone's sexuality.

I can definitely understand Thom's feelings of vulnerability and discomfort. When I was in middle school, this boy used to pick on me because I am Puerto Rican. He used to ask why I wasn't wearing my sombrero and if my dad mowed lawns for a living. I tried not to let the comment both me at first, but when it kept happening it really started to hurt. I realized that people are always going to say mean and hurtful things, sometimes seriously and sometimes in a joking manner. Regardless if he was joking or not, his comments still hurt. The situation never caused anyone to look at my different. But, it did help me to understand that making hurtful comments towards others is not something I want to take part in.

rodney said...

Homophobic remarks hurt a lot of people they are very hurtful. Thom’s coach was effected by the homophobic comment from the Gary Coleman look a like by kicking Thom out of the team. The coach felt uncomfortable. The comment also effected his dad the way he looks at Thom. His father tried to pretend that the comments never happen but it did

Unknown said...

The Gary Coleman look a like called Thom a Fa**** and this damaged Thom because Thom knows that hes gay and he dosn't want anyone to find out that he is gay.

Unknown said...

The look alike called him a faggot.he does not know if he is gay or not.it affect him because every body problay thinks he is gay.His dad gave him a look like he knew he was gay.His friends just stood there and didnt say anything.It didnt affect me because nobody said nothing to this affect to me before.If somebody said something to me like this other people would look at me diffrently

Unknown said...

The " gary cole men look alike " called thom a f*****. IT mad thom feel uncomftable because hes basket ball team was right behind him and they heard what he said and saw that thom reacted wierdly to it. his dad will feel wierd his coach will kick him off the team because he dont want people to think he supports gays and his teammates will avoid him. people say that all spanish people eat rice beans and chicken but its not true. it didnt really afect me cause i didnt care.no it didnt

Unknown said...

The damage of homophobic comments are disrespectful and hurtful i expereince i was affected by this because my friends call me a terrorist because some people who are muslims hate america so they bombed the T.T. SO IT ANNOYING STOP CALLING ME A TERRORIST.