Our Superheros!

Our Superheros!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Journal Entry #1: Examining our own differences

How are you different from other people? How do you respond to people that are different from you? Can you identify and extreme manifestations of conflicts between people because of their differences? What might those differences be? Please give examples!


Unknown said...

Journal entry number 1

One time I heard people making fun of a person because they were black an I told the people who were making fun of the guy so I told them to back of .And they left him alone and we became friends. And the problems in Earth including black people are racism.

Unknown said...

I can focus faster then other students. I treat them the same way I treat everyone else. the major difference is races like stereotypes between blacks and whites

Unknown said...

Journal Entry #1

One time in school I met a Bisexual I was not really shocked I actually think that Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual people are more friendly and way more nicer.

WWII was a worldwide conflict that happened because one race decided that they were better than everything and everyone
:D :3 :) :@ x3 :]

Unknown said...

Journal entry 1
One time in school I came across a kid named ashraf and he was Hindi and all I did was ask his race and he got mad but then he told me and he was not mad anymore and we became friends.

One time in history WHITE people kept black people as slaves that was because they were a different race

Unknown said...

he will become a hero like his dad but have a boyfriend . hes gay and not that popular. i dont know yet how he daels with them. these or NOT LIKE ANY of the porpbumls im facing because im NOT gay

Miss Martinez said...

Everyone is different, whether it be regards to race, gender, socioeconomic status, etc. I think that we are fortunate to live in a time period in which these differences are much more accepted, and even embraced, than they were years ago. It is our job as respectable members of society to continue to cherish and appreciate these different identities, as this will only ease the conflicts between people.

Unknown said...

I am different from other people because I am special in many ways. The way I respond to other people that are different from me is just to see who they are and not what they look like.
One conflict I can think of that two people that were different from each other was when black people and white people didn’t like each other across the country.

Unknown said...

I’m different from other people because I’m Muslim and other people call me a terrorist because other people who have my religion who have destroyed the Twin Towers. Also they call me a terrorist because they don’t understand how it feels to be Muslim I have a friend who is black and people call him u nigger, u dirty.

rodney said...

I'm different because I learn stuff faster than others. I treat them the same way I want to be treated. One example is between blacks and whites. The whites kept blacks as slaves