The characters of
Hero wrote our students letters asking for their advice! Here's what some of the boys had to say:
Dear Thom,
I think you should just act like nothing happened. Who cares what other people think. The only person that matters is you. If the people who were your friends before aren't now they are not your true friends. They should like you for you and not your sexual orientation. Didn't you want to tell your dad? Well, now he knows but it came out different than you hoped. There are people who will want to be your friends.
Dear Miss Scarlett,
I think that you really should work on your attitude problem. Because if you be mean to everybody you might not have any friends. You can just try to be nice to people, but if they get you made just try your best to calm down. If you really like Golden Boy you shouldn't push him away. If he treats you different because of your illness just talk to him about it, don't push him away.
Dear Scarlett,
I know your trying hard on being nice to people and not intimidating them with you anger. I have been thinking about it and you should apologize to everyone you were mean to, especially Thom. And try to feel better about yourself!
Dear Golden Boy,
You really need help. You need to stop being jealous, it's wrong man, that you call him a twerp. Take my word for it, if you were in Thom's shoes you'll know what to do with your life. Dude, to be closer to Scarlett just talk to her. Ask what the heck is going on? Why have you been avoiding me? Also, talking about disrespect... before you disrespected Thom. You tripped him on purpose, plus that's a sign of jealousy. You're just mad that Thom was there and you weren't to deal with it.
PS- you need a therapist.